Life is already hard enough without us having to deal with allergies. If you are one of the millions of people around the globe suffering from allergies, this article can help. Read on to learn how to control your allergy symptoms so you can actually enjoy life.
Test your reaction to first time over-the-counter allergy medications in your own home. This type of medication can cause drowsiness and slowed reflexes. Even if there are no warnings on the product, be wary about driving.
Wherever possible, use something other than carpeting and rugs as floor coverings in your home. It is almost impossible to truly clean a carpet, and carpet fibers collect pet dander, pollen, mites, dust, and other allergens. Floors that can be efficiently cleaned are far more suitable when you have allergies.
Prior to retiring for the night, shower thoroughly and make sure your hair is washed. Throughout the day, you’re going to accumulate a lot of different substances on your skin, like pollen, dust mites and dander, which could cause an allergic reaction at night. Washing these allergens off doesn’t take long, but it can have a huge effect on your comfort level.
People are more likely to have allergies at different times in their lives. Babies may be allergic to a number of types of foods when first introduced to them. Later in life, a child may become accustomed to a previously irritating food yet develop an allergy to some other substance, such as pollen. If your child suffers from any sort of allergy, get them to the doctor for an allergy test to learn exactly what they are allergic to.
If you do your workouts outdoors, schedule your workouts around dawn or dusk during peak allergy season. You will be more comfortable at those times of day, since pollen levels are lower.
If you’re suffering from allergies, maybe you should skip the medicine aisle of your local mega-mart and instead go see the doctor. Medical professionals can better diagnose what’s wrong and what types of treatments you should have. See if your doctor will give you a sample or get the smallest amount you can. If one product doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean that none of them will.
Remove carpets if you suffer from allergies. Carpet is a magnet for allergens including dust, dead dust mites, and pollen. If your carpeting is wall-to-wall, replace it with wood, tile or laminate floors if you can afford it. This can greatly reduce allergy-causing substances that you could breathe in. If you must live with wall-to-wall carpeting, run the vacuum cleaner every day.
Most people who suffer from allergies have been told to use humidifiers in their bedroom in order to moisten the airways during sleep. This might not be a great idea, as the humidifier’s mist that settles on the carpet may encourage molds to grow and could become musty. So try using saline spray instead.
Hopefully, the above article has shown you what allergy help and solutions are available. Allergies needn’t slow you down when there is so much work that needs to get done and so much fun yet to be had. Make sure you control any reactions you might have and live life again!